The grief of losing one slowly to Alzheimer's is not a
linear grief. It circles and cycles back on itself and just when you think you
have a handle on it, it comes around to bite you again. With all the tears over
Bob and his fate, all the writing and processing, I'm still surprised when the
pain gets me again, even after these thirteen years.
I went to see Bob this afternoon and stayed while a
friend, Alan, helped solve a problem. The DVD player and cable box sit next to
the TV and Bob frequently tries to carry them off. They're, of course, attached
by cables to the TV making this a dangerous proposition.
Alan and Ketut made a box to house the tempting objects
below the table with a slot drilled out of the table facing so DVDs can be
inserted and ejected. Out of sight out of mind usually works well with
Alzheimer's people.
The project took about two hours on a very hot afternoon and I visited with the shirtless Bob to
distract him from the work. He had a hard time with the noise of the saw,
yelling, "That's enough!" through the wall to the workers.
I'd brought some chocolate pie as a treat. Bob ate all of
his and then started at mine so I cut bits off for him. He got up and
disappeared behind the kitchen into the pantry and I assumed he was getting
water from the big dispenser but when I peered around the corner to check, I
found him peeing on the wall.
Ketut, his on-duty caregiver, was tied up with the
reconstruction of the TV table so couldn't direct Bob to the toilet. Ketut told
me that it's a sure sign that Bob has to pee when he puts his hands in his
pant's pockets hikes them up and down. I'd missed the cue. I saw once again how
tense I become when I’m with him trying to keep him peaceful and entertained
and how responsible I feel for his well being.
I thought about the 35 million people on earth diagnosed
with dementia and that every 12 seconds another is diagnosed and how many more
there are undiagnosed and how they eventually become warehoused. Alzheimer's
has been described as a human tsunami about to overtake us. (
I know I am doing the best for Bob and that he is
relatively happy and has excellent living circumstances but I can't help wonder
how it is to just exist, to be passively cared for until death takes us.
I woke in the middle of the night unable to sleep -
visions of the time spent with Bob replaying. I don't mull over doing the right
thing for him or feel guilty but there is a pain in my heart to see him like
this, still, and that pain keeps me awake.
Fortunately humor is the balm to the grief and within days
of the project we found 'out of sight, out of mind' was not
working so well. Bob, in his unique Bob style, now stuffs his underwear into
the new slot!
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Bob and Daisy During TV Table Construction |
That's because it's the BBD slot, not the DVD slot. Hello!!!